School's Out, and Time to Hit the High Seas!
Discovering Key West
Pam and Cate walking down from the Shipwreck Museum observatory
Next Stop: Cozumel
Learning About the Mayans in the Jungles of Cozumel
We arrive in Cozumel and get ready for a tour that will take us to Kun Che Park, where we'll learn about Mayan food and customs, along with Folkloric Mexican dancing. Let's go! |
Kun Che Park in the Cozumel Jungle
Mayan Traditions |
Pok Ta Pok Game |
Mexican Folkloric Dancing
After the Pok Ta Pok game, there was a demonstration of Mexican folkloric dancing.
Back on Board, and Heading for Home
All too soon, the cruise was coming to a close. Bye for now!