Welcome to WPAMM
This is Pam, and you are tuned in to WPAMM, the place for opinions, sarcasm and drivel. Grab a cup of coffee and join me!
Latest Podcasts
Super Sniffer
Privacy and Social Media
Special Guest: Gretchen
Giving Back and a 5-Year Old
Weekend Ramblings
Neiman Marcus
Customer Service Snafu Bed, Bath and Beyond 20%
Celebrating the Royal Wedding
Goodbye, Snowbirds
High Season Has Been Busier Than Usual Reviewing the Movies
'The Post' Delivers; 'Phantom Thread': Huh? Another Year Is Done
Grateful for the Special People in Our Life When Cold Weather Hits Florida
And Got to Love Those Shopping Points Holiday Reflections
The Comfort of Coffee
Road Trip! (Parts 1 and 2)
Thank Goodness for Satellite Radio and Audiobooks Chatter at Dodie's Restaurant in Dallas
A Frigid 'Orient Express'
Plus the Boat Parade Goodbye, Fashion Police
And Love Finds Prince Harry Raspberry Prosecco Cheese
And Gerry's Clothes Closet A Cool 'Hot' Fashion
Plus: Really Eat Breakfast at Tiffany's A Wallet and Phone Charger.
All in One. It's the Little Things. Tiffany Everyday Objects
A Coffee Can for $1,500. Huh? Subscription Products
Fashions and Beauty in a Box Karma Gets Spicy
Humble Pie With Some Paprika, Please Cell Phones at Restaurants
Can We Post Some Signs, Please? Vacuum Wash Your Dog
It's the Newest Pet Gadget The Quest for Older Eggs
Gerry Was Just Going by Pam's Grocery List Dog Yoga -- Not Kidding
Plus Yelling at Kids and Going to Breakfast What Did You Eat Today?
People Magazine Wants to Know |
Comments"WPAMM! I enjoyed your podcasts...how fun! Seems we both struggle with the same fear of our dogs aging. I read that if everyone performed a random act of kindness in one day, it just might make the much needed change we need in our world.
I will continue to live by the golden rule!" -- Tina G. Earlier Podcasts What's Happened to
Customer Service, Anyway? Is everybody on edge, or is just me? Don't Judge Us - We're Just
Enjoying Our Dogs It really is OK to have fun with your pets Gerry and Sports:
I Don't Get It It's So Cruel, and All That Spitting How Do You Pick The
Best Restaurant in a State? Plus: Julia, Chip and Random Musings Chelsea and Jenn
Count Me in the 'White Collar' Fan Club It Takes a Team ... Really?
I Guess Kate Needs All the Help She Can Get The Workcamp Lifestyle
Roughing It -- Not So Much Restaurant Seating
We Have a Booth By the Kitchen Rock On, Mr. Musk
Sign Me Up for the Rocket Train Dogs Can Manipulate Us
We Needed a Study to Know That? |