Living by the Atlantic Ocean means there are tentacles reaching out in many directions. Today found us wandering around Loggerhead Marinelife Center, where those tentacles seem to touch the community in a variety of ways. Even today, a day after school started in the Palm Beaches (our little plan to visit after school started to avoid the crowds did not totally pan out), the place was buzzing with children. However, like us, there were many adults on hand strolling through the indoor and outdoor exhibits. The entrance fee is, there isn't one. But, donations are accepted (please donate) and we discovered that all money received by this 501 (c) 3 (not-for-profit) organization stays within the organization for their many programs. Although I hope to do a Podcast or two to discuss the environmentally important efforts being done by this organization, today, I want to focus on a more frivlious thing I enjoyed while there. Keep in mind that all dollars taken in, go for the causes, okay? Step with me into their wonderful gift shop, because it is a nice, and welcoming area of the center. They seem to have items and prices for everyone, and the lay-out is excellent. Naturally, there are shirts, books, stuffed animals -- all the usual stuff kids enjoy. The beauty for me, they also have a generous section devoted more to adult tastes. Personally, I lingered over the jewelry and came away with two pieces: Lovely necklaces and the total came to almost $25. As Gerry was hovering nearby, I spent less time than normal in the shop, but as it is close to us, I will return. Alone. All around, I give high-marks to the quality and quantity of the Loggerhead Marinelife Gift Shop. The staff was friendly, and it did not seem like a typical "souvenir" place with inexpensive-looking trinkets. Now, if there were scads of children and adults in the gift shop it would be a bit challenging to take your time perusing the goodies, but today I had plenty of room and time to make my selections. The only difficulty was deciding. An added bonus to my gift shop saga? You can live anywhere and virtually shop their wares. Just go to their Website and click the link at the top that says...yes...SHOP! I tell you this is a win-win situation. You get to have some terrific items. They get your dollars for terrific work being done. Get busy and SHOP for the turtles, the sea life, the ocean...well, just do it!
It's the rainy season in South Florida. Problem is, although rain has been near us, we have missed most of it. But, this morning, Sunday, it is cloudy and misty, which makes me moody, in a good way. ## Sunday Brunch at our usual place (we are big on usual places) brought news that our absolute favorite, long-time server is leaving. We are pleased for her, but not for us. Change is good, right? Sure, but not only are we losing this ray of Sunday morning sunshine, the place has a new head chef and our food was seriously lacking for the first time. See how it works-literal rain was sent-then figurative rain. There was one ray of sunshine still streaming in...the Mimosas and Bellinis were delicious, and 99 cents. ## When things change at a favorite haunt, we always take it as a sign it is time to move on. Seeking new haunts can be a challenge, fraught with danger (not really, but I love to be dramatic). The thing is, good food, service, location and prices are not so easy to discover. But, searching can be fun. The operative word here is...can. ## School starts in Palm Beach County on August 15th-tomorrow. It is HOT. Very. Every year I harp on the same old thing. What is wrong with starting the day after Labor Day, like back in my day? Well, I pity the kids. But, the parents are probably celebrating. Selfish me, I am, too. I mean, come ON, let's be honest here. When the kids file back into those sacred halls of learning, filing into the stores of retail gets a little bit more peaceful. August has arrived. It is HOT in the Palm Beaches and I just heard July broke the record for least amount of rain. It's the rainy season, people. I WANT RAIN! Of course, I am careful about what I wish for as a tropical, or more serious storm could suddenly swirl and twirl around this little peninsula. Still, I have missed the rain. ## Speaking of swirling and twirling, politics are heating up and we are in the home stretch. I will leave it there. ## Our dog grooming place had the nerve to close down for a couple of months, and The Lady Reggie could use some sprucing up. Yes, I have Bed Head shampoo for dogs, but when I bathe her it looks like it...and that's not saying much. ## Bought a batch of brownies at Costco yesterday. They are round in shape which makes them seem more gourmet. It's the simple things. ## Went to Burger Fi in Jupiter. I got bottled water and my companions got milk shakes and custard concoctions. No food. It was too hot. ## I rarely (like never) watch daytime television, but I flipped on the final hour of the Today Show this morning to catch Kathy Lee and Regis. Hoda, they said, is in Rio to cover the Olympics. It seemed as though KL and Reege were having a good time. Probably better than Hoda. Sorry, I just can not get jazzed about the Olympics. |
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August 2016
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