The acclaimed documentary film, "Chef Flynn," is coming to the Living Room Theater on the FAU campus in Boca Raton. The film, which opens Dec. 14, is about Flynn McGarry, "who transforms his living room into a supper club using his classmates as line cooks. Achieving sudden fame, Flynn outgrows his bedroom kitchen and sets out to challenge the hierarchy of the culinary world." Supported by his mother, Meg, he became known as the “Teen Chef" and was featured in a NY Times Magazine cover story at age 15. "Before he was 16, had staged in top restaurants in Los Angeles, New York and Europe. But critics soon emerged who challenged Flynn’s rapid ascent in the culinary world, threatening to distract him from his dream." The Living Room Theater is just that -- combining the "ultimate urban living room, café and cinema ... Designed to entertain and welcome you anytime. From late lunch to conversations after the film with wine and truffles." The Living Room Theater is located at 777 Glades Rd. in Boca Raton, and you can find out more at their website. Comments are closed.
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